Sunday School @ 10:00 am
Worship in the Sanctuary @ 11:00 am
Evening Worship in the Sanctuary @ 6:00 pm

God is doing some exciting things in our church family! We'd love for you to join us for one of these special events coming up soon.
Scool Supply Drive
We ae supporting the community of Golinda by collecting school supplies for Golinda residents. You may bring school supplies, backpacks, new or gently used shoes, clothes, & jackets to the church by July 31st. We will take them to the Golinda VFD for the event which is August 4th, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. At that time Golinda residents can pick up the supplies they need.
Bible Study
Pastor is currently leading us through a study of the book of 2 Timothy on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the Sanctuary.
Our church is looking for energetic, loving, patient members to serve those most precious in our congregation- our children. If you are interested in serving in this wonderful and developing ministry, please let us know!
All volunteers are required to take youth and child protection training and submit to a background check prior to service. This is done to protect our children and the wonderful volunteers who serve them.
Our youth group meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the youth room. Please contact Colin Pittman for details on how you can join, plug in, and be a part of this awesome ministry!
For more information, contact Colin Pittman.