Sunday School @ 10:00 am
Worship in the Sanctuary @ 11:00 am
Evening Worship in the Sanctuary @ 6:00 pm
If you'd like to serve at our church, we could use your help! Check the list below for available roles and needs you might be able to fill!

Our church is currently exploring ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the Golinda community. From July 17th to July 31st, we will be collecting school supplies for the city's school supply drive. You can drop off school supplies, backpacks, new or gently used cothes, shoes, and jackets and we will get them to the city.
Watch for other ways to bless the folks of Golinda coming in the near future.
As a church, we often have needs for volunteers to fufill. If you would be willing to help with any of the tasks below, please see Pastor Scott.
Shrub trimming​
Web design, electrical work, plumbing work, carpentry, etc.
Singing the "special music" during morning worship
Being part of a choir on Sunday mornings