Sunday School @ 10:00 am
Worship in the Sanctuary @ 11:00 am
Evening Worship in the Sanctuary @ 6:00 pm

Our History
Golinda Baptist Church is a small congregation with deep roots in the local community. Informally organized by R.C. Burleson in 1873, the church did not begin meeting formally until November 22, 1903 under the guidance of Rev. A. J. Moore. Over many years, building programs, and changes in leadership, our church has a rich history of service to God and our neighbors.
Our family has always stood for love. Love of our community, love of our neighbor, and love for our world. Whether coming together when tragedy strikes one of our own, serving our neighbors, or giving to foreign missions, we believe there are no borders in the kingdom of God. We see ourselves as active partners in God’s redemptive story and, through Jesus, we believe God has blessed the entire world. No exceptions.
We have also been blessed with many great shepherds throughout the decades. A few of these have been exceptional. Among them are Rev. Bill Shibler and Rev. Doyle Darwin. Rev. Shibler served our church on multiple occasions as an interim pastor during difficult growing periods and once as our full-time minister. Rev. Darwin led our church as pastor for over 13 years until his death in 1989 and is still beloved for his shepherd’s heart and love for the community to this day. These men and many others represent the best of us and their legacy far surpasses their years on this earth.
Finally, Golinda Baptist Church has always been a congregation characterized by close relationships. There is a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place and although we be small in number, we are mighty in the Lord. Beginning with an original 21 members, this church family has only on 85 members on the active roll today. While some might consider this quaint, we love the close ties we have from being a small church family. And there is a place for you at our table.
Know when you enter these doors you will find a small, loving church family who genuinely wants to know you and yours. We would love to add your story to our own. May the Lord bless you and keep you!